Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

First, fill out this intake form!

Next, we'll set up a free 30 minute consult. We can chat for about 30ish minutes via Google Meet to go over your goals, and maybe get a quick virtual sense of your space, and then I'll send you a quote and project breakdown proposal. After that, you'll approve or let me know if you'd rather not move forward, and we'll schedule our first session! I will invoice you for my time and any agreed-upon materials purchased (organization, boxes, interior design stuff, all TBD and approved by you!) via Venmo, Paypal, Cashapp, or another method of your choice.

I’m a bit nervous, what if you find something weird in my room?

First of all, I am kink-friendly and sex positive. We all have things for our sexual health and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I won’t bat an eye! If you’re worried about something else, feel free to bring it up, but I’ve lived a very, very diverse and expansive life: Very little offends or weirds me out!

Would you be willing to clean my house/room/laundry on a cadence? Monthly, twice monthly, something else?

Yes! Definitely! Talk to me about your cleaning goals and we can work up a cadence together.

Do you have references?

Yes I do! I'd be happy to put you in touch with a client of mine to vouch for me!